Are you a New Year's Resolution person?

I am. I love to sit down and reflect on the past year. Accomplishments, failures, things that were awesome, things that sucked. This year I feel like it’s especially important for me. This year has been difficult, devastating, and yet in some ways it has been beautiful and eye opening.

My 2021 Business Resolutions


Photographers in an area with four seasons, can you relate to this? May - September is “busy” season, and then October - December the leaves turn colours, followed by Christmas photos and TONS of engagements, which means for us its “I have so many bookings I can’t keep my head on straight” season. It’s SO much fun, don’t get me wrong. But while January - April tends to be a bit slower, I’m looking forward to using these months to come up with some creative shoot ideas, new prompts, etc.


I don’t know about you guys, but because of what I listed above, Shelby Andrews Photography could definitely use some love on the back end 😅


Whether you’re new to the game or a seasoned pro, imposture syndrome creeps in from time to time. It’s hard to see what other amazing artists in the industry are doing and not compare it to what you’re doing. But I started this entrepreneurial journey for two reasons: 1. I fricken love taking photos and 2. I wanted to be my own boss, make my own hours, and pave my own way. Remember folks, it’s awesome to get inspired by those around you, but it’s important to respect those creative boundaries. Leave it as inspiration and then continue to follow YOUR unique journey. There’s room for all of us if we’re all doing our own thing.


We all have a weak spot and this is mine 😂 when the sun goes down and my flash goes on, just know that I am sweating internally. FOR NOW.


That's right. I love blogging. In fact, before I was a photographer I was always working in writing positions. Writing is one of my biggest passions, and I want to find a way to continue doing this through my photography journey as well. Now that I have some downtime over the next couple of months, I plan to go back and recap some weddings, exciting sessions, as well as writing more tips, tricks and education for photographers.

Happy New Year! May all of your 2021 Business dreams come true.